Monday, September 30, 2019

Ghost in Hamlet

The Role of the Ghost in Hamlet by William Shakespeare The role of the ghost in Hamlet is twofold: firstly it is to create   interest; secondly it is to further the narrative of the play. Shakespeare recognized that he needed to create interest in the   audience from the very first scene of the play. The play opens with a conversation between Officers of the Watch who   patrol the Battlements of Elsinore castle. Their talk is of a  ghost   who has appeared before twice previously: † What, has this thing appeared again tonight? † Immediately this arouses the audience's curiosity.What is the nature   of ‘this thing' that has appeared? Horatio, who has not seen the ghost, voices the scepticism that some   of the audience may have been feeling: † Tush, Tush, 'twill not appear†. Suspense is therefore created in the minds of the audience i. e. will   the ghost actually appear; does the ghost exist? The character of Horatio is contrasted with th at of Barnardo,   Francisco and Marcellus. Barnardo, Francisco and Marcellus are believers in the ghost, whereas   Horatio, who is highly educated, unlike Barnardo, Francisco and   Marcellus, questions the ghost existence.When the ghost finally appears in line 40, cutting short Barnardo's   line, it is a moment of high drama resulting from the tension that has   been created. The appearance of the ghost has a  huge impact  on both the characters   and the audience (who together with Horatio see the ghost for the   first time). Horatio, sceptic, expresses his fear and amazement in the   first line he speaks since seeing the ghost: â€Å"aâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦. It harrows me with fear and wonder†. The audience would have been filled with similar emotions on seeing   the ghost, and would have realised that the appearance of the ghost   signifies that something is wrong.Elizabethans believed that only   people who died without the chance of confessing their sins w alked the   earth as troubled spirits. Horatio questions the ghost, which   disappears mysteriously without speaking. When the ghost fails to   speak, it adds to the tension of the scene and the apprehension of the   characters. The ghost makes a second appearance in Act 1 Scene 1 after Horatio has   talked about preparations for war with Norway. This sets up the idea   in the minds of the audience that the ghost may have something to do   with the on going war, but, again the ghost does not speak, and so the   audience is left with unanswered questions.This sense of mystery   sustains interest and builds suspense in the preparation for scene 2. At this point the nature of the ghost is ambiguous. Is it a good   ghost, it appears in the form of Old  Hamlet, or is it an â€Å"erring   spirit†? It disappeared when the cock crowed i. e. at first light. The audience   would have known that light represent goodness, and dark represents   evil. Horatio co mments: â€Å"And then it started like a guilty thing†. The audience would have been left wondering why the word ‘guilty' had   been applied to the ghost. Is the ghost to be trusted, or not?The   only thing person who can decide is Hamlet: â€Å"Let us impart what we have seen tonight unto young Hamletaâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦. † In the next scene Horatio tells Hamlet after some prevarication, that   he has seen his fathers ghost. Hamlet is thoroughly depressed because   his mother Gertrude, has re-married very quickly. To make matters   worse, she has married Claudius, Old Hamlets brother, whom young   Hamlet mis-trusts. This is a man â€Å"With one auspicious and one dropping eye† Which an Elizabethan audience, would have recognized as the sign of a   hypocrite.Horatio describes the ghost to Hamlet, emphasising that the ghost   appears to look like Old Hamlet: â€Å"aâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦. A figure like your father armed exactly, cap-a-pe† And is dressed in armour. Hamlet wants to know everything about the   ghost, where it appeared, whether it spoke etc, and through his short,   excited questions which he utters in quick succession, reinforces the   mystery and ambiguity of the ghost, thus building the audiences   anticipation of the second appearance of the spirit. The scene closes with Hamlet arranging to take the watch on the   battlements that night, in order to meet with the ghost.He asks the   others to keep quiet about the appearance of the ghost. The ghost appears to Hamlet in Act1, Scene 4. Immediately, the   ambiguous nature of the ghost is addressed. Hamlet himself says, â€Å"Be thou a spirit of health, or goblin damned† , Meaning is the ghost to be trusted, or is it some evil creature come   to destroy? The ghost refuses to speak in front of the others, but beckons Hamlet   away to speak with him alone. Marcellus and Horatio are suspicious of   the ghost intentions: Marcellus. â€Å"But do not go with it† Horatio. â€Å"No, by no means†.Eventually, almost fighting off his companions with a sword, Hamlet   follows the ghost and they are alone. In scene 5, the role of the ghost moves from creating interest and   suspense, to the function of moving on the narrative and plot line. Hamlet is not naturally a man of action, and, although suspicious of   his Uncle Claudius, would not have tried to find out more about the   circumstances surrounding his father's death. It is the appearance of   the ghost that forces Hamlet to take action, and therefore moves on   the action of the play. The ghost begins by telling that he is in purgatory. Doomed for a certain term to walk the night† Hamlet must have felt puzzled and, at the same time, full of wonder   and despair at the terrible situation his father is in. When his   father finally reveals that he was murdered, Hamlet is overwhelmed. To   make matters worse, the ghost then asks Hamlet to re venge his murder. Ghost. â€Å"If ever thou didst ever thy dear father loveaâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦. † Hamlet. â€Å"O God! † Ghost. â€Å"Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder†. Like Hamlet, at this point, the audience would want to know more. The questions that have been posed in Scene 1 are finally about to be   answered.When the ghost reveals that he was murdered by Claudius,   Hamlet reacts with: â€Å"O my prophetic soul! My uncle? † Hamlet had suspected from the beginning that his uncle was the   complete opposite of Old Hamlet in appearance, personality and action. Now his worse fears have been confirmed. His mother has married a   murderer! Before the ghost leaves, Hamlet swears to revenge his   murder. To make matters worse, the ghost describes the horrific nature of his   death, by poison and the fact that he died without having confessed   his sins: â€Å"With all my imperfections on my head†.This is in sharp contrast with the gl ib statement made by Claudius to   Hamlet concerning the death of his father: â€Å"aâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦. All that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity† Finally, at the end of the scene Hamlet rejoins the others and   confirms that the ghost is not evil but, â€Å"It is an honest ghostaâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦. † He makes his friends swear to keep the existence of the ghost a   secret. The cries of the unseen ghost â€Å"SWEAR, SWEAR† whom Hamlet calls   â€Å"old mole†, reinforce Hamlet's insistence in secrecy. Interestingly,   only Hamlet can hear the ghost.Is Hamlet ‘really' going mad? The final appearance of the ghost follows the pivotal scene. Up to   this point there has been little action-taking place. Instead the play   consists of building up characters, making motives and giving the   audience information. After this the action increases dramatically in   pace. Hamlet has the opportunity to kill Claudius, but fails because   h e believes that Claudius is praying. If he had known that Claudius   cannot pray: â€Å"My words fly up my thoughts remain below, Words without thought never to heaven go†Presumably, Hamlet would have killed Claudius and the play would be   over. It is possible that Hamlet used the situation as an excuse for   the deed he was afraid to do. Therefore, when Hamlet confronts Gertrude he is full of frustration   and anguish at his inability to act. In this scene, Hamlet almost   loses his self-control and perhaps is truly â€Å"mad†. Having killed   Polonius, it is only the entrance of the ghost that prevents Hamlet   from harming his mother. This time, the ghost appears, not in armour, but â€Å"aâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦. In his habit as he liv'd† In other words, dressed in every-day clothes.The ghost has changed;   no longer the warrior king seeking revenge for his murder, the ghost   is more insubstantial a quieter, gentler ghost perhaps because it is   ne arer to oblivion. This ties in with the ghost's speech back in Act 1   Scene 5 when he says: â€Å"I am thy fathers spirit, Doomed for a certain term to walk the night† This time only, Hamlet can see the ghost, which begs the question, is   the ghost really there, or is Hamlet quite mad? The role of the ghost in this scene is primarily to remind Hamlet of   his promise. â€Å"Do not forgetaâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦. â€Å"However, the ghost also serves as a reproof to Hamlet, exhorting him   to be gentle with Gertrude. † Oh step between her and her fighting soul: Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works† Having delivered its message, the ghost simply slips away. In this   scene, in contrast to earlier scenes in which the ghost appears, there   is no knocking from underneath the stage, the ghost merely â€Å"steals   away†. From this moment, the play gathers pace as Claudius attempt to have   Hamlet killed, Ophelia's commits suicide in her madness, and the final   scene of the play ends in a blood bath.From the very first dramatic appearance of the ghost the whole plot is   set in motion towards inexorable scene of murder and mayhem at the end   of the play. Hamet appears to regain his sanity; we as an audience wonder was he   ever mad and if so was his madness incurred by the ghost. In conclusion it could be stated the ambiguity of the ghost is never   resolved. This is questioned again because as a result of the ghost,   the majority of the characters die. Therefore despite Hamlets thoughts   of the ghost, in the end the audience wonder is the ghost and its   intentions really, true and good or actually bad and evil

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Influence of Space on Human Life

Everything that on the Earth similar to that in the sky. Hermes Trismegist For thousand-year history human being has always tried to learn the world around him and looked into illimitable spaces of the sky. Human being has always felt hunger for knowledge. Thirst for new knowledge has always presented in the human being. The human nature itself has leaded us to discover previously unknown secrets. I have always liked Apple Company. Now, when I have learned more about Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Company I have understood why this company so imposed to me.Jobs and Waz put their souls into their business. They set a goal to be successful and searched greedy for new knowledge. Jobs's favorite expression is: â€Å"Stay hungry. Stay foolish†. If try to find qualities inherent to such successful people as politicians or businessmen it became possible to set the simple pattern that they put big sometimes fantastic goals before themselves and they have great diligence. It is a key to success, progress and development. The Universe always has been the main object of the human being observation. Our ancestors looked into the sky and much was unknown to them.Illimitable depths of the sky attracted them. Movement of the Sun and the Earth and other celestial bodies were the main objects of scientific researchers at all times. The human being has begun to overcome the earth’s gravity several centuries ago. Half a century ago and so far, the only time the human being has left his footprint on the surface of the Moon. It is very small time span in the scale of the Universe. Our telescopes and spacecrafts cannot scan and overcome necessary distances yet. Technological progress level of a mankind does not allow studying space bodies we are interested in.It is necessary for us to make the next evolutionary step. Because there is a continuous movement and there are processes in there where we still cannot look in. They can change the Solar system configur ation so to change our planet and life. We should study intensively and try to simulate possible exposure scenarios to be ready for unknown threats. The mankind should try to be rescued as in fact the future is in our hands. I have chosen a theme of space randomly. My mother is a journalist. She makes films commissioned by domestic television channels. My mother has worked above her next film in 2008.This time she has chosen a theme of innovations in economy. She has convincingly showed the value of space researches for development of Kazakhstan economy in her project. It is generally known that the largest cosmodrome on the Earth is in the territory of my country. It is Baikonur cosmodrome. Yuri Gagarin the first person has departed to the space from the first launching pad of Baikonur. Today hundreds of rockets a year are launched from our cosmodrome. These rockets launch satellites, space stations and the scientific equipment into the low Earth orbit.Discoveries which do scientis ts in space help to develop science and agriculture and also to learn changes in climate and many other things. Then I would like to learn more about influence of space on our life and what can we expects after 100, 300 or 500 years pass. Also it was very interesting to learn what lurks beyond the Solar system. In fact we know very little about it. In this project I would try to highlight only small part of the mentioned theme about the Universe Secrets as it is too extensive and deep theme to consider it entirely.Therefore, leaning only on known and clear to me facts, I have decided to develop such important theme in my project as â€Å"Influence of space on human life†. Now would like to tell about my aim. Based on the foregoing, I have a purpose to create informative electronic book for Miras International School community. With the help of my project I wish to inform others that the theme about the Universe can be very interesting. To learn about science researches and di rections that study space threats and ways of its definition and prevention.We should know on what a fragile and defenseless planet we live. All of this is madly interesting and fearful simultaneously. Plots of fantastic films can become a reality. My work can change our attitude to space, someone can be interested and someone can look at the world surrounding us in another way, to value and love it. We cannot notice it but every day we feel influence of the Sun, the Moon or other celestial bodies to the Earth and people. Day and night, ebbs or flows in the seas and oceans all of that is a result of the influence of the space bodies on our planet.We also know what impact can be in case of collision of the Earth with large fragments of space bodies (asteroids, comets, meteors, etc. ). Scientists are unable to define impacts of such collision yet. Large meteorites fell to the Earth at various times. Traces of the Tunguska meteorite in territory of Russia can be seen today. There was a great fire on the large territory. Thousand hectares of wood have been tumbled down. And what can be if great comet or its part would collide with the Earth. Any scientist can predict such collision impacts. Such collision can be tragic for the mankind.Considering this, I put primary objectives which I would try to highlight in my project: a. To view the literature on my topic; b. Find out how space affects human life; c. Investigate those questions: * What is the Universe? * To study the theoretical aspects and identify â€Å"Influence of space on human life†; * What is the main problem of â€Å"Influence of space on human life†? * How to solve those problems? * How much interesting the theme of space, its secret and influence of the space on human life can be? * In what direction the space science is developing? What successes scientists have? * How can I influence the outlook of people? d. Find the answers to the following questions: * In what sphere of activity yo u see yourself: in the humanitarian or natural? *   Who would you like to become in the future? Why? *   What is the main danger for humanity could you pick up? *   What is more dangerous for humanity: the threat of the earth or out of the earth? *   How can we influence the reduction of these threats? *   Can new technologies to harm our planet? *   Are there in the Universe any other civilization? *   Where is the end of the universe? e.Collect variety and good amount of sources and resources (interviews, surveys, newspaper, books, internet); f. Choose the most efficient way to transfer information (conceptual table); g. Create a product. My topic connect with area interaction â€Å"Human-Ingenuity†. A person must think about consequences of his activity. Year after year the human being learns more and more about his planet and the world about him. Events seeming today a fantasy tomorrow can be the ordinary phenomena. In fact, once spaceflights were themes of fantasts. A person creates, opens new technologies for alleviation of his life.In many cases things that created by the hands of the person is going as a harm. Our technologies lead serious changes of flora and fauna composition, quantity of population. Some kinds adapt to changed conditions, the other can disappear from the face of the earth. Therefore, we must always think that everything created by man was a blessing for all, not harming our environment. I dare to assume that the more people would learn about the probable collisions of the Earth with celestial bodies the more people would be shown with interest to this theme and probably would start to investigate this direction of the science seriously.Indeed, many people are blind about what can be with close to them people, houses if the Earth would be overtaken with monstrous accident suddenly. Then from the map of the Earth not only separate cities and states can disappear but also the Earth can stop its existence and human civilization would come to the end and the great minds, states should joint their efforts, scientific and intellectual resources to prevent such tragedy. The ideology of our actions is very simple only joint efforts are chance to survive.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Green Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Green Technology - Research Paper Example Cheaper energy saving and environment-friendly technologies are being proposed to ensure that new energy sources do not add to the pollution level and are used efficiently. This environment-friendly technology is referred to as the â€Å"Green Technology†. It is a process of producing alternative uses of energy that are less damaging to the environment. Alternative energy practices are hence, in demand to curtail the use of fossil fuels. Solar power, Biomass energy, Wind power, Green insulation are some of the examples of green technology that are being discovered and used (Sobha, 2007, pp.4-5). Green insulation is one of the measures of green technology that can be customized in homes which makes energy usage more efficient. The means by which today’s buildings are constructed are not only bad for the environment but also harmful to the health of people. Steel, cement and other materials that are required for the manufacture of buildings, use large quantities of energy , thereby releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Also, many buildings use more energy than what is actually needed, in order to light or heat them or for operating machines and other appliances. Electricity is used from coal-burning power plants and oil-burning heating systems. Also the amount of water wastage is an issue to be considered significantly. Thus, to protect the planet from the harmful effects of energy usage, green buildings are essential (Owen, 2009, pp.7-10). Here lies the main emphasis on the thesis of this report which states that green insulation in homes can make energy usage efficient and protecting the planet from the harmful effects of energies. Green insulation in houses can decrease energy consumption and can prove to be healthier, cost efficient, and good for the planet. Green Insulation in homes: A boon to the planet: There are several benefits of living in green homes, which is why people, especially the Americans prefer more to take advantage of them. Green homes are healthier, cost efficient, and also useful for the planet as a whole. Through the use of natural or mechanical ventilation, the indoor air can be kept clean. Use of toxic-free materials restricts the indoor air pollution to an immense level. Plants are natural detoxifiers, and natural light is essential for such indoor plants; along with lifting up one’s mood. Green homes are also antimicrobial, thus protecting from molds or other microorganisms. The process of green insulation is cost efficient as living in green homes makes less use of energy and less water, hence more savings. They use high standards of building materials, thus maintenance costs are also low. Green homes are, now, in high demand which makes them more valuable in comparison to any standard home, thus lending homes may bring in higher rents. It is also expected that such homes would require lesser insurance payments than standard homes with the insurance companies providin g discount facilities on their policies. Green homes in the near future may be designed in a way that would be able to produce more energy than they produce, through different energy yielding techniques like uses of solar or wind power. Efficient water usage systems also enable green homes to make less wastage of water. Non renewable resources are used less in the construction of a green home. Recycled materials that are readily renewable are generally used for the purpose, e.g., Bamboo. As a result of recycling measures, green home

Friday, September 27, 2019

ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT - Essay Example Some individuals monitor themselves in every condition and try to improve with time and circumstances. The ability to adapt in such individuals is always high. They utilize their social environments as a source of information. They are concerned about their actions in social gathering, social comparison information and demand of different situations. Various factors of internal and external environment influence individuals in different ways. Moral norms, attitudes, motives, social roles, type of family and guardianship, economic conditions, gender and social view towards particular gender, language and symbols and others influences value system of an individual. It has influence on their decision-making ability, level of confidence and self-perception. Risk is an uncertain situation. Fear of unknown is the most common threat of people experiencing any kind of risk. Risk can be of two forms i.e. inner risk of an individual like low self esteem, low level of confidence, language diffi culty or lack of ability while outer risk can be risk of not getting proper education, recognition, risk from cultural and community life, risk from society and many others. â€Å"In the last decade, the focus has shifted from burnout to secondary traumatic stress due to the recognition of the specific challenges of working with traumatized individuals. Whether we are addressing the impact of working with others in general or those, who have been traumatized, research agrees that we have a responsibility to maintain our own health and wellness as counselors (Iliffe & Steed, 2000; Miller, 1998; Savicki & Cooley, 1982; Sexton, 1999; Sherman, 1996) (as cited in OHalloran and Linton 2000) People react to their adverse situations differently. Some people lose their ability to work or perform under stress or high risk situations. This influences their decision-making abilities and positive development. At the same time, some individuals react differently to stressful and risky situations.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Personality Assessment Instrument or Inventory Critique Essay

Personality Assessment Instrument or Inventory Critique - Essay Example are definitely designed towards the important need of allowing people the chances of development that they deserve for future personal progressions which in turn could help them reach their peak potentials as workers, as members of the society and as satisfied individuals. 2 Myers Briggs Type Indicator is among the most popular personality assessment instrument there is. Basically developed to be used by administrators of several institutions, this particular personality indicator is perceived to have one of the most effective approaches in assessing human personalities and bringing in conclusions that are worthwhile enough to be applied for evaluating and improving the personalities of people to allow them to realize their full potential as individuals that are aiming towards developmental progression in their own fields of expertise. 3 In the paragraphs that follow, an understanding on the major issues and efficiency factors of the said personality evaluation tool so as to identify the capabilities of the entire medium in implicating change and realization upon the persons taking the chance to becoming better individuals in their own fields of concentration. The essential values that are present in the process of evaluating the individual capabilities of the examiners are rather considered as the necessary factors that make this particular individual assessment tool a source of knowledgeable understanding on the part of the efficiency of the assessment instrument mentioned herein.4 Discussing this particular matter shall be better clarified within the paragraphs that follow. The concept of human action is generally concluded by the aspect of the scientific facts to be significantly caused by the works of the mind of every individual. This idea is generally expressed in the saying â€Å"what the mind can perceive, the body can conceive.† Thus, to empirically understand and explain the actions and personality of each individual in the society, their mind and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Role of the public sector in health care (economics) Essay

Role of the public sector in health care (economics) - Essay Example The ethics and economics of this determination require collaboration between the various entities that are affected by this social decision. The following paper will give an overview of the background on why having a public healthcare system is an important social responsibility for a state. Once the foundation has been established through economics and ethics, the way in which the system works in Canada will be examined and reported. The paper will then go into a discussion of the economics of public healthcare through theoretical exploration. A comparison of Canadian and United States philosophical debates about the economic issues of a public healthcare system will be presented before a more thorough examination of the role of the public sector in healthcare concludes the exploration of healthcare in Canada as it is relates to economic perspectives. There are many reasons for having a public health care system. Social reasons include the humanitarian aspect, the purpose of encouraging research, and in being a representational model for ethical governance. Economic reasons for providing health care are even more compelling. Although the best reason for providing health care is so that everyone is healthy, an economic basis for doing so is that productivity of the individual rises when they are healthy and illness has been prevented, thus the collective becomes more productive. In addition, public health care creates savings through preventing illness from getting to a point that the costs on the public system are higher and more damaging than they would have been should health care have been provided on its onset. The responsibility of creating a public health care, however, falls on more than just the government. Public health care systems need to be collaborations between business, government, health care organizations and individuals, and the consumers of health care who are the people of the state. In order for the system to work, there must be

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Berry Gordy and the Rise of Motown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Berry Gordy and the Rise of Motown - Essay Example Berry Gordy, Jr., created a recording company that became a legend in the music industry and an icon of American culture. Gordy wielded tight control over the company’s business practices, famously micro-managing both Motown’s finances and the lives and careers of its musical talents.The formula he established,both from a business and creative standpoint,stood the test of time and turned Motown into a mega-million dollar concern Following intelligent business principles, Gordy diversified into other branches of the entertainment industry, such as film, and moved Motown from Detroit, the city with which it is still identified, to southern California. Today, Gordy’s holds the double legacy as a successful businessman and creative musical impresario. Keywords: Berry Gordy, Jr., music industry, Motown, Detroit. CREATING AN ICON 3 Creating an Icon: Berry Gordy and the Rise of Motown For millions of music fans around the world, Berry Gordy and Motown Records are icons of the music industry and of popular culture in general. The â€Å"Motown sound† is still considered the most distinctive â€Å"urban† representation of the genre, an influence as seminal and profound in its way as Elvis Presley and the Beatles. Memphis had Stax and Sun Records, and Chess Records is still closely identified with the Chicago blues scene. Yet no music label has ever been more closely identified with a community than Motown with Detroit, a musical marriage the mere mention of which still encompasses its own aesthetic and mystique. All of this was due to the vision of Berry Gordy, the Detroit native whose foresight, business judgment and promotional flair helped grow a small, hometown label into a multi-media entertainment empire. As with any successful entrepreneur, once he was established as a leader in his field Gordy successfully diversified his business interests. Motown’s move into the film industry proved financially successful and by the tim e Gordy sold the company to MCA, it was worth more than $60 million. A Newsweek article from May 1983 ascribed the basis of Motown’s success to the fundamental desire of young people, both black and white, to dance to music with an infectious beat (Barol, 1983). This, the article contended, was the basis of Gordy’s genius: his faith in a formula that defined Motown like no other label. Its first great hit, â€Å"Shop Around† by Smoky Robinson, which sold a million copies in 1960, is a prime example of the timelessness of the music Gordy produced and the durability of his business formula as a music impresario. A true opportunist, Gordy leveraged the racial and cultural tumult of the 1960s, positioning Motown as CREATING AN ICON 4 a kind of unofficial urban musical â€Å"voice† of black America, and a symbol of Detroit, the city with which it is still identified, even though Gordy long ago moved his operation to Hollywood to take advantage of opportunities in the film industry. No sentimentalist, Gordy did not allow image to cloud his business judgment or convince him to act counter to his best interests. On June 28, 1988, Gordy sold Motown to MCA for $61 million, a deal that some said decidedly favored Gordy. â€Å"Right now, the company has nothing on the charts, it’s internally shot, people are looking to get out. It’s a sad ending to a good piece of American history. Berry Gordy is a great creative guy, but (he’s) not a strong manager† said a rival producer at the time (Ingham and Feldman, p. 195). It is a measure of Motown’s cultural power that Gordy came under such virulent criticism for having sold arguably the nation’s most visible black-owned business to a large corporation (p. 195). Motown may have been folded into a giant national conglomerate, but Gordy’s success was far from over. Motown’s subsidiaries comprised a considerable source of revenue, and Gordy brought th em under one roof in 1990 when he formed the

Monday, September 23, 2019

IKEA Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

IKEA Analysis - Essay Example Retaining competitive advantage is inevitable for firms to ensure profitability. This can be achieved by implementing effective management strategies and processes that allow them to conduct a thorough internal analysis of their businesses, such as benchmarking, value chain analysis etc., to name a few. For the purpose of this paper, benchmarking as a method of internal analysis is used and applied on IKEA. The process of benchmarking is of vital significance for organizations today, since it affords them the ability to compare their performance with that of their rivals or similar processes within their own organizations. The process was first used and introduced by Xerox Corporation, with a view to gain competitive advantage over their rivals in the industry, and capitalize on their strengths by overcoming their weaknesses and limitations (Zairi, 1996). The process of benchmarking is evolutionary in nature, whereby the companies involved begin by analyzing the various internal proc esses employed by them, and seek improvements in areas identified as problematic, thus ensuring best practices within the organizations (Wireman, 2004). Definitions: The concept of benchmarking has been widely used within the field of management and is defined differently by different authors. According to Zairi (1996: 35) "A benchmark refers to something that serves as a standard by which others may be served". However one of the most commonly and widely used definitions of benchmarking is the one developed by Xerox, which states describes benchmarking as "the continuous process of measuring our products, services and practices against the toughest competitors or those companies recognized as industry leaders" (cited in Kozak, 2004: 5). 2. Introduction: The global furniture retail industry comprises of various stakeholders and players. IKEA is one such international furniture retail chains, which dominates the global furniture market. It was founded by a Swedish furniture manufactu rer, Ingvar Kamprad, in the year 1943 (IKEA, 2012a). IKEA today, has grown into a global retail brand, with as many as 131,000 employees working in 41 countries across the globe, generating annual sales worth 24.7 billion Euros (IKEA, 2012b). IKEA, as is apparent from the statistics mentioned above, has come to become one of the most globally trusted and appreciated brands in the retail furniture industry. However by the turn of the 20th century, several new players entered the industry, thus making it imperative for the existing businesses to improve and enhance their product capabilities in order to retain their competitive positioning in the industry. In present day competitive climate, the firms within the retail furniture industry are required to lower their costs, improve product range and quality, and cater to a wide consumer segment spread across the globe, in order to increase their profitability. The situation is worsened with the highly volatile external economic environm ent, making it difficult for firms to offer good quality products at lower prices. Its core business mantra is â€Å"Low prices with meaning† which drives them to strive for lowering the costs of their

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Marketing Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Communication - Assignment Example Role of branding A brand name out to be good and appealing to many. It ensures that the attention of many is captured. A good brand name has a lot of advantages and enables a company or an organization achieves the following in the long run. One, is that it conveys the message that is intended. Good branding eliminates any possibilities of a wrong message being passed to the consumers. Another is that a good brand image gives a confirmation of the trustworthiness of a company. Such a thing makes the consumers view a company as being credible and are able to adopt their products and be loyal to them. Good branding also has an effect of linking goal predictions emotionally. Buyers often derive their motivation of purchases from good branding. Buyers have a tendency of believing that products that appeal to them are the ones they go for. Hence, if a buyer cannot find a brand appealing, they obviously will not have any taste to even think of purchasing the product. Last but not least, go od brands strengthen user loyalty. Consumers trust good branding since a good brand promises utmost satisfaction and, therefore, such can concrete in a very strong way the loyalty of the consumers to the product (Fanning, 2006). Product parity Product parity is all about the similarity or equality that exists between products. There are many products in the market that share a lot of attributes. They might have some slight difference, but the notable attributes shared by the products outweigh the slight difference. Such products deserve to be branded as one. Companies are in the verge of getting the largest market share globally and amassing huge revenues and profits as possible. Firms try as much as possible to find ways of dominating the market and also ways of diversifying their sources of revenues. They, therefore, have to think,and even if it means improvement of a product or finding new ways of presenting an already existing product to consumers so as to create a new impressio n in the eyes of the consumers. Organizations that have invented a product and presented into the market, may not have gained a wider market with that brand. As a result, they might want to rebrand it for the sake of making huge sales and increasing the market share of the product (Fanning, 2006). In such a case, the two brands might be different but the product still remains the same. In another case, a company might want to make an improvement of the product and slightly change its name. There is no big difference between the new product and the original one as the fact remains that it possesses about 98% of the product, and a very minute change just for the sake of making huge sales for profits. Furthermore, companies might want to expand its product by producing other products of one king but that have little difference. An example is the co-cola company which produces the Coca-Cola drink. The Coca-Cola Company has produced many sodas under it, a business that started with the i nvention of the Coca-Cola. So far, it has diversified into the production of sodas like Fanta. Fanta is of different flavors. There is the pineapple flavor,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cengage Learning Essay Example for Free

Cengage Learning Essay After taking the survey regarding the climate of my organization, I gained interesting insight into my company’s position in the work/life area. The survey provided by the Work and Family Connection asked twenty questions, in which I enjoyed answering. 1. My manager/supervisor treats my work/life needs with sensitivity. Agree 2. It is usually easy for me to manage the demands of both work and home life. Agree 3. My career path at this company is limited because of the pressure of home life demands. Disagree 4. My job at this company keeps me from maintaining the quality of life I want. Disagree 5. My manager/supervisor is supportive when home life issues interfere with work. Disagree 6. My manager/supervisor focuses on results, rather than the time I am at my desk. Disagree 7. My manager/supervisor has a good understanding of flexible work hour practices. Agree 8. If I requested a flexible work arrangement, my manager/supervisor would support me. Agree 9. My manager/supervisor is often inflexible or insensitive about my personal needs. Disagree 10. I believe my manager treats me with respect. Agree 11. My manager allows me informal flexibility as long as I get the job done. Agree 12. My manager tends to treat us like children. Disagree 13. My manager seldom gives me praise or recognition for the work I do. Disagree 14. My manager seems to care about me as a person. Agree 15. I would recommend this company to others. Agree 16. The work I do is not all that important to this company’s success. Disagree 17. If I could find another job with better pay, I would leave this organization. Disagree 18. If I could find another job where I would be treated with respect, I would take it. Disagree 19. If I could find another job where I could have more flexibility, I would take it. Agree 20. I am totally committed to this company. Agree Since I scored seventeen, I am in the category that states that my organization is supportive and more flexible than most; however, there is room for me to grow (Snell Bohlander, 2013). This scoring seems highly accurate to me. I do feel as though I have a very supportive and flexible place of employment; however, I feel that there is room for improvement. References Snell, S. , Bohlander, G. (2013). Managing human resources. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Neo Realism In Italian Cinema

Neo Realism In Italian Cinema In complete contrast to the Fascist cinema it superseded, Neo-Realism was committed to representing life as it is lived. With this in mind, analyse the reasons why Neo-Realism as a movement lasted only ten years. Please refer to at least two films. In contrast to the Fascist cinema that it superseded, Neo-Realism was committed to representing life as it is lived; its films are therefore characterised by narratives set amongst Italys poorest, examining the difficult economic and moral conditions experienced during World War Two and in the post-war years. The movement has therefore been labelled a moral and aesthetic cinema (lecture, Heath-Williams, A., 2009). This essay will discuss and examine the reasons why Italian Neo-Realism lasted just ten years, between 1942 and 1952 (Cook, P., 2007: 233). It will focus briefly on Fascist cinema and then examine Neo-Realism and some of its key films, notably those by Rossellini, De Sica and Visconti, and the subsequent moves by these directors away from Neo-Realism to more individual projects. It will then assess the variety of state and Church constraints imposed on Neo-Realism during its ten years, and will discuss changes in the tastes of contemporary audiences, to determine whether it was these changes that ultimately sounded the death-knell for the movement. Italian film production was virtually non-existent after World War One and cinemas were forced to show only foreign films, which was intolerable for the Fascist regime (, 2010). Following intervention by Mussolinis government the industry slowly revived throughout the 1930s, creating an Italian, rather than a specifically Fascist cinema (Cook, P., 2007: 233). Fascist filmmakers did make some films that have been rightly dismissed as propaganda, such as the short newsreels that were made to educate not entertain the public. However, of the seven hundred or so films produced by them, most were not actually propaganda films, but rather were entertaining, patriotic epics, such as Red Passport (dir. Brignone, 1935), which highlights an Italian peasants love for his country, as he returned home from abroad and fought and died for Italy in The Great War (Bondanella, P., 2009: 49). In complete contrast, the same film industry also produced White Telephone films a derogatory name coined by the Italian public (, 2010). These films are big-budget melodramatic productions frequently set in grand hotels, fancy nightclubs or on luxurious ocean-liners, with each film featuring a distinctive white telephone, which was viewed as a symbol of middle-class bourgeois wealth. They portray a false view of Italian life, as the existence led by most Italians was the exact opposite of that being shown onscreen. Indeed, within these films, the simple protagonists always found a simplistic resolution to their equally simplistic and insipid dilemmas (, 2010), which was wholly unreflective of Italys reality. These films were intended to distract the Italian public from that reality and to recreate the box office success of the popular Hollywood narratives of the 1930s. Mussolini also encouraged the filming of grand, historical epics that were intended to ma ke Italians proud of their Roman history (, 2010) again, another distraction from contemporary problems. Whilst Fascist cinema tended to produce decadent white telephone films, there were calls for filmmakers to develop a film realism that was authentically Italian (, 2010). With the outbreak of war in 1939 and the increasing breakdown of Italian society, a number of screenwriters also began to call for a cinema that resembled the Verismo or reality of 19th century Italian literature (Bordwell, D., Thompson, K., 2008: 459). Italian directors and writers were also influenced by French films of the 1930s and by Calligraphist films of the early 1940s, which were heavily reliant on the finest of detail (Bondanella, P., 2009: 52, 53). This use of fine detail and mise-en-scene would become a major aspect of the Neo-Realist movement. Although philosophical ideas formed the basis of the Neo-Realist movement, the main aim and true goal of the movement was to express societys issues in an entirely new and innovative way. Accordingly, Neo-Realist films may be seen as something o f a reaction against the white telephone dramas and superficial Hollywood imports of the 1930s (, 2010). Neo-Realism was therefore a rejection of Fascism and fantasy (, 2007) but its realism was also born from absolute necessity. Indeed, the reasons for shooting on location and over-dubbing dialogue were purely practical, as Romes Cinecitta studios were heavily bombed by Allied forces and could not be utilised and sound equipment was of poor quality and in short supply (Bordwell, D., Thompson, K., 2008: 459). However, the use of exterior locations rather than studio sets lends the films a great deal of authenticity, because they show the actual physical destruction of the Italian landscape. This destruction as shown in various scenes of bombed-out shells of buildings throughout Rome, Open City (dir. Rossellini, 1945), and Germany, Year Zero (dir. Rossellini, 1947) could not easily be recreated in the studio. Similarly, in Obsession (dir. Visconti, 1943) the director uses the natural degradation of a typical farming community to set his film, and this too is difficult to re create in the studio. Filmmakers were also allowed much more freedom on location with sound and dialogue because everything could be carefully re-recorded later in the studio (Bordwell, D., Thompson, K., 2008: 459). This is evident in the scene from Obsession where the characters are walking back from a singing contest and are filmed chatting together from some distance away; their conversation is obviously over-dubbed, as it could not be recorded naturally during filming with the poor sound equipment available. The use of conversational speech and non-literary dialogue also lends Neo-Realist films an authentic air because it makes characters more realistic, to which audiences can relate. Neo-Realist filmmakers also use many non-professional actors for supporting roles, which adds realism and depth to their characters. Professional actors usually portray the principle characters but sometimes non-professionals are also utilised. The reason for the use of amateurs is because many professional actors perished during the Allied bombings or were exterminated by the Nazis (lecture, Heath-Williams, A., 2009). The use of non-professionals in principle roles gives the films added realism, especially in critical scenes. For example, when Vittorio De Sica was casting actors to play the main character in his iconic film Bicycle Thieves (dir. De Sica, 1948) he chose an ordinary factory worker to play him because, according to De Sica, everything about him was perfect (Bordwell, D., Thompson, K., 2008: 460) for the working class character he had envisioned. A professional actor would simply not have had the life experiences to draw upon to accurately portray him. Neo-Realist films are divided into two distinct categories, that is, Ideology and Style (, 2010). Ideologically, Neo-Realist films portray Italy with a new, revitalised democratic spirit, strongly emphasising the value of ordinary, working class people. The films also show a compassionate viewpoint and refused to make superficial moral judgements (lecture, Heath-Williams, A., 2009). Many films are pre-occupied with Italys Fascist past and others deal with the difficult economic and moral conditions faced by Italians throughout the war and during its aftermath. There is one particular scene in Rome, Open City where a mob raids a bakery, stealing everything, including the weighing scales, which perfectly portrays the fear and desperation prevalent in contemporary Rome. Neo-Realist films also have a tendency to emphasise strong emotions rather than abstract ideas to convey their ideas, thereby inviting audiences to empathise with the plots and characters, whose experienc es mirror their own. Stylistically, Neo-Realist films avoid neatly plotted stories in favour of a loose and episodic structure, whilst mixing in a documentary-like visual style (, 2010). Obsession is a prime example of the use of this loose structure, with the plot revealing itself like the chapters of a book. Its documentary-like style is shown through its use of real-time long shots, which convey the natural coming-and-goings of the characters, capturing life as it happens. This is perfectly illustrated by the infamous scene in Obsession where Giovanna eats a bowl of pasta and falls asleep at the table in her ramshackle kitchen, which confirms her exhaustion and carefully matches film-time with real-time. It is this style that gives Neo-Realist films their unique perspective, because real life is loose and episodic, it is not neatly plotted or clearly defined, sometimes literally nothing happens as in the pasta eating scene and it often ends unhappily or uncertainly. One of the first directors to focus the attention of international film critics onto Neo-Realism was Roberto Rossellini, a close friend of Mussolinis son, Vittorio. Despite his Fascist background, one of the most notable examples of Neo-Realism can be found in Rossellinis highly acclaimed film, Rome, Open City (lecture, Heath-Williams, A., 2009). The film is centred on the unlikely collaboration between Catholics and Communists fighting the Nazi occupation of Rome, shortly before the Americans liberated the city. Some footage was allegedly shot during the Nazi occupation and subsequent retreat out of Rome because of its accurate portrayal of society at the time. Indeed, Rossellini wanted to convey the cruel atmosphere that existed during the Nazi occupation, and the scene wherein Romes socio-political reality is vividly demonstrated, is when Pina is mercilessly gunned down by German soldiers as she chases the vehicle that takes her lover, Francesco, away. Perhaps, more importantly, f or a director with links to Mussolinis regime, the film with Romes resistance movement at its core has a very real anti-Fascist message. The box-office success of Rome, Open City hinted that a film revolution (, 1996) was underway, and Rossellini remains true to Neo-Realism in his next two films, Paisan (dir. Rossellini, 1946) and Germany, Year Zero. Paisan is another example of Neo-Realisms use of an episodic structure, as its six sections loosely capturing the Allied defeat of Italy are edited together by authentic newsreel footage. The film further revolutionised filmmaking when Rossellini chose much of his cast from people who simply gathered around when his film crew set up in a town square (, 1996). His next film, Germany, Year Zero, is set in the ruins of Berlin and shows a German viewpoint of the war and its aftermath. This film, however, was criticised by some Marxist Neo-Realists, who sensed something of a moralistic, less objective tone in this work and a distinct change of direction from Rome, Open City ( Indeed, Rossellini establishes his m oral perspective at the outset of the film when a brief written quotation and accompanying voice-over, appears to suggest that a society that strays from a decent, moral and religious path will undoubtedly plunge into chaos (Bondanella, P., 2009: 80). This is a damning indictment of Germany and its recent experiences under Hitler, but it strays a long way from Neo-Realism and its supposed reluctance to make moral judgements of this nature. Rossellini seems to suggest that German society may have broken down irretrievably because of Hitler, as Germany, Year Zero is full of relentless, bleak imagery, which illustrates its downfall, such as in the scene where desperate Berliners are reduced to eating a horse that has died in the street because they are starving (Bondanella, P., 2009: 81). In contrast, Rome, Open City differs in that Rossellini shows some vestige of hope for Italy, most notably in the scene where a group of young children even though they witness the execution of Don Pietro still find the courage to return to Rome and continue their resistance efforts. However, Rossellinis change of direction is more apparent in his films of the late 1940s and early 1950s as he moves from attempts to capture social realism to the investigation of more complex issues, such as marriage, emotional alienation, and personal despair (Bondanella, P., 2009: 130). Indeed, Rossellinis exploration of these subjects requires the exp ertise of professional actors rather than the gritty amateurs who worked on his Neo-Realist films, which is perhaps his most blatant change of style. Whilst Rossellini brought Neo-Realism to international attention, it was Vittorio De Sica who maintained its impetus (, 2010). De Sica was an established film and theatre actor when he turned to filmmaking in 1939, but his films lacked any renown until he began to examine the harsh realities faced by Italians during the war (, 2010). Elements of Neo-Realism can therefore be found in The Children Are Watching Us (dir. De Sica, 1942) with its simple plot, social problems and use of children in key roles. However, it was during the post-war era that De Sica became one of the key figures of Neo-Realism with such classics as Shoeshine (dir. De Sica, 1946) a tragic account of the lives of two children during Americas occupation of Italy and Bicycle Thieves (, 2010). The latter is undoubtedly his greatest film and, in true Neo-Realist style, is acted mostly by non-professionals, is shot on location and deals with various social issues, including t he impact of long-term unemployment and familial relationships, in this case, between father and son. Shot on the streets of Rome, the films protagonist is Antonio, who finally secures work putting up film posters, but to keep the job he has to have his own bicycle; Antonio and his wife are therefore forced to pawn their bed sheets to secure one. The scene in the pawnshop is poignant, as the shop is overflowing with household goods that have been exchanged for money or alternative goods, which highlights Italys desperate poverty. However, the bike is stolen and the film deals with Antonio and his sons attempts to recover it (, 2010). Antonio ultimately steals someone elses bicycle and is apprehended by angry locals, becoming the very person that drove him to where he is now a bicycle thief! There are clearly depths to which even desperate Italians must not descend. Bicycle Thieves successfully highlights Italys bleak situation during the post-war years, and it is this accurate, heartbreaking portrayal that makes it such an achievement. The film is not, however, witho ut controversy, as it exposes societys problems but does not offer solutions to them. Certainly Bicycle Thieves does not have a satisfying happy ending, so perhaps De Sica simply intends that society find its own solutions to the problems he reveals in Bicycle Thieves. His next Neo-Realist production was Miracle In Milan (dir. De Sica, 1951) a comic parable about the clash between Milans rich and poor followed a year later by Umberto D. (dir. De Sica, 1952), which is now accepted as a film masterpiece. However, Umberto D. was a contemporary box-office disaster (, as Italian audiences appeared to prefer Hollywood escapism to De Sicas themes of loneliness, poverty, suffering and the plight of the elderly in society. De Sica was therefore forced to return to more lightweight and commercial films, such as It Happened In The Park (dir. De Sica, 1953). When subsequent films also failed commercially, De Sicas career as a director stalled and, struggling to secure funding for further projects, he returned to acting and did not direct again until 1960 ( Neo-Realists struggled to find funding because the Italian film industry was effectively under state control by the early 1950s (Bordwell, D., Thompson, K., 2008: 460). Indeed, Giulio Andreotti, the Under-secretary of Public Entertainment, introduced a law that limited foreign imports and provided loans for domestic film production, as long as these films were not overtly critical of post-war Italy (Bondanella, P., 2009: 112). Unfortunately, Neo-Realist films clearly fell outside this strict funding criterion. A government committee was actually established to read prospective film scripts and to deny finance to openly political productions ( The Catholic Church also began to censor films according to their suitability for screening in its parish cinemas, which had been opened to combat the supposed menace of immorality and Communism as portrayed in Cinema Paradiso (dir. Tornatore, 1989) many years later. And, in 1949, the Vatican actually excommunicated Communist v oters, sympathizers, and their allies (Bondanella, P., 2009: 112), which made producing and watching Neo-Realism films extremely risky in an era when any form of social criticism seemingly equalled Communism. Similarly, as economic prosperity returned to post-war Italy, Neo-Realist films no longer felt as relevant and they started to become obsolete. Italians had recently lived through a very dark time in their history and did not appear to want it continually replayed on the big screen. Perhaps the realism of these films was just a little too accurate and a reminder of times sooner forgotten. Consequently, many Italians turned to the glamorous escapism of imported Hollywood productions and whilst Rome, Open City was the highest grossing domestic film of 1945 (, 2010) by 1952 Umberto D. was the aforementioned disaster at the Italian box-office. Indeed, historians date the end of the Neo-Realist movement with the public attacks onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Umberto D. (Bordwell, D., Thompson, K., 2008: 461). The Neo-Realist movement therefore had to adapt and a modicum of escapist comedy was introduced to dilute the realism and make the films more socially acceptable. The resulting new film style is known as Pink Neo-Realism ( that eventually gave way to the distinctive Comedia AllItaliana ( The Neo-Realism movement was therefore effectively at an end. During the occupation years the message of the Neo-Realist movement led to a social revolution amongst Italys people and government. However, as Italys post-war resurgence gained strength this message faded, as audiences preferred to forget issues like mass unemployment, extreme poverty, social decay and politics. Realism therefore became the antithesis of social change and filmmakers and audiences ironically gravitated towards the types of films made by the Fascist cinema popular taste had come full circle. With hindsight, however, it is apparent that no other film movement has achieved such an accurate portrayal of real life and won such recognition as the Italian Neo-Realist movement. Its impact on contemporary filmmaking was enormous, establishing the reputations of its key directors and offering audiences some of the outstanding films of the post-war era. And while Italian Neo-Realism lasted just ten brief years, its influence was felt immediately amongst filmmakers of the 1950 s (Bordwell, D., Thompson, K., 2008: 461), and it is still felt amongst filmmakers of today. Bibliography Bondanella, P., 2009, A HeatHistory of Italian Cinema, New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd. Bondanella, P., 2007, Italian Cinema: From Neorealism To The Present, 3rd edition, New York: The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd. Bordwell, D., Thompson, K., 2008, Film Art: An Introduction, 8th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill. Cook, P., 2007, The Cinema Book, 3rd edition, London: Palgrave Macmillan. Heath-Williams, A. (2009) Introduction to Italian Neorealism, FV2S13 [Lecture] Italian Cinema, Bridgend College, School of Creative Arts, Seminar Room, Queens Road Campus, 24th September. Heath-Williams, A. (2009) Neorealism: Wartime Resistance, FV2S13 [Lecture] Italian Cinema, Bridgend College, School of Creative Arts, Seminar Room, Queens Road Campus, 8th October. Web Resources (2010) History of Italian Cinema [online] Available from: [23/06/10] Senses of Cinema (2010) Roberto Rossellini [online] Available from: [25/06/10] Film Drama (2009) Rome, Open City (Roma, Citta Aperta) [online] Available from: [23/06/10] (2010) Vittorio de Sica Biography [online] Available from: [25/06/10] University of Pennsylvania (1996) The Cinema Under Mussolini [online] Available from: [23/06/10] Cinema Scope (2010) Rome, Open City: Neorealism Wasnt Built in a Day [online] Available from: [23/06/10] Criterion Collection Online Cinematheque (2007) Bicycle Thieves: A Passionate Commitment to the Real By Godfrey Cheshire [online] Available from: [23/06/10] (2010) Film 1301, Notes 10, Italian Neorealism [online] Available from: [3/07/10] (2007) Bicycle Thieves [online] Available from: [23/06/10] (2010) Cinema Under Fascism: The Advent of Sound and The Increase of National Production [online] Available from: [23/06/10] (2010) Historical Origins Of Italian Neorealism [online] Available from: [23/06/10] (2010) Italian Neo-Realism by Megan Ratner [online] Available from: [24/6/10] (2010) Neo-Realism [online] Available from: [30/06/10] The New York Times (2009) Open City (1945) [online] Available from: [23/06/10] (2010) Vittorio de Sica Biography [online] Available from:,_Vittorio/Biography [25/06/10]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How an Architectural Intention Was Embodied in the Pyramids of Giza: A

Today the Pyramids of Giza continue to be a mystery to researchers and admirers of ancient Egyptian architecture. One of these great pyramids, Cheops, is among the Seven Wonders of the World and is renowned for its geometric eccentricities. They were built around 4500 years ago and are located on the western bank of the Nile River in Al-Jizah, Egypt. These buildings took on original construction that was sought after an Egyptian sophistication of a concept called a â€Å"mastaba.† A mastaba is a term that means â€Å"platform.† These platforms were built over royal tombs and eventually acquired numerous additions. Several stacked mastabas were incorporated together and tapered to form the pyramid shape. It is believed that this process took place over a 20 year time span. To begin, once the construction site was cleared and prepared, the blocks were transported into place. These blocks however, were made of stone and weigh around 2 tons each. Without the equipment and technology that we have today, one may ponder on how these massive building blocks were transported and set into place. There are several theories describing methods that may have been used such as ramps and counterweights.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Afterlife and respect for deceased pharaohs were important aspects in the Egyptian lifestyle. This was shown in the Pyramids of Giza by the use of various burial chambers, elaborate tombs, and human preservation for each pharaoh. Evidence of the importance of afterlife is provided by researchers’ discoveries of artifacts including articles of clothing and various items found in the tombs. It was believed that death was not an important event in life. It was just a transition from one life to another. Egyptians also had to perform many rituals before entering the pyramids. The great importance of these aspects is backed up by the grandeur of the pyramids and the amount of time it must have taken to build them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It challenges my mind to think of how these great buildings were constructed by the Egyptians so long ago. The use of precise measurements and careful architecture is outstanding for a civilization to practice in that period of time. I felt that I needed to look into these ancient landmarks more deeply and research as much is I could about them. Writing this paper is a good way for me to better appreciate and understan... ...lear to see that there isn’t a definite answer to how the Egyptians leveled, designed, and constructed the pyramids. All we can do is speculate and form theories and ideas. One can become more partial to one theory than to another. After all, this is why the Great Pyramid is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Whether it was intentional or not, the Egyptians created a worldly masterpiece of a monument. The intervention of geometry into the building of the pyramids provides for the early stages of architectural aspects. These days every building is geometrically sound. It is much easier for architects to design their buildings geometrically these days than it was for the builders in 2500 B.C. The Egyptians, overall, were important founding fathers of incorporating geometric complexities into the design of their buildings. Designing a building is a way of art; the architect expresses his or her ideas through their building. By interpreting the historical aspects of the py ramids and comparing them to the building aspects of today, a similarity can be found. It may be taken to a higher level, but the weaving of geometry into buildings is evident both today and over 3000 years ago.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Life in New England Opposed To The Chesapeake Bay In The 1600s :: American America History

Life in New England Opposed To The Chesapeake Bay In The 1600s During the 1600's, many people in the American colonies led very many different lives, some better than others. While life was hard for some groups, other colonists were healthy and happy. Two groups that display such a difference are the colonists of New England and Chesapeake Bay. New Englanders enjoyed a much higher standard of living. This high standard of New England's was due to many factors, including a healthier environment, better family situation, and a high rate of reproduction. First, the inhabitants of the New England area were far healthier. Their clean water supply was a sharp contrast to the contaminated waters of Chesapeake Bay. Air was also fresh and clean in New England. Chesapeake Bay colonists were plagued by disease due to their unsanitary way of life, and New Englanders could expect ten extra years of life because of migrating there in fact, on average, they lived to be nearly 70, close to the same life expectancy as today. Second, those who migrated to New England tended to come over as families, quite dissimilar to the single men who flooded Chesapeake Bay. Obviously, a much more stable family life took root in New England. Single women in Chesapeake Bay were few and far between, and the few that were around were not single for long. It was much easier to establish families in New England, where the balance between men and women was much closer to equal. These strong families provided security and made the New England colonists live a more stable life than those who lived to the south in Chesapeake Bay. Finally, partially due to the stable family life of New England, reproduction was much steadier in the north than in the Chesapeake Bay region. New England's women married young, around 20 years of age, and had many children before their child bearing days were over. They could expect to have at least 10 children, with 8 of them surviving. Chesapeake's lack of families-and more importantly-lack of women kept reproduction rates from being up to par. Thus, New England's growth was steady a nd stable, whereas Chesapeake Bay suffered the effects of an extremely low growth rate.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Housmans To An Athlete Dying Young :: Poem Housman Athlete Dying Essays

Housman's "To An Athlete Dying Young" A. E. Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young," also known as Lyric XIX in A Shropshire Lad, holds as its main theme the premature death of a young athlete as told from the point of view of a friend serving as pall bearer. The poem reveals the concept that those dying at the peak of their glory or youth are really quite lucky. The first few readings of "To an Athlete Dying Young" provides the reader with an understanding of Housman's view of death. Additional readings reveal Housman's attempt to convey the classical idea that youth, beauty, and glory can be preserved only in death. A line-by-line analysis helps to determine the purpose of the poem. The first stanza of the poem tells of the athlete's triumph and his glory filled parade through the town in which the crowd loves and cheers for him. As Bobby Joe Leggett defines at this point, the athlete is "carried of the shoulders of his friends after a winning race" (54). In Housman's words: The time you won your town the race We chaired you through the market place; Man and boy stood cheering by, And home we brought you shoulder-high. (Housman 967). Stanza two describes a much more somber procession. The athlete is being carried to his grave. In Leggett's opinion, "The parallels between this procession and the former triumph are carefully drawn" (54). The reader should see that Housman makes another reference to "shoulders" as an allusion to connect the first two stanzas: Today, the road all runners come, Shoulder high we bring you home, And set you at the threshold down, Townsman of a stiller town. (967) In stanza three Housman describes the laurel growing "early" yet dying "quicker than a rose." (967) This parallels "the 'smart lad' who chose to 'slip betimes away' at the height of his fame" (Explicator 188). Leggett's implication of this parallel is "that death, too is a victory" (54). He should consider himself lucky that he died in his prime and will not out live his fame. Housman says: Eyes the shady night has shut Cannot see the record cut, And silence sounds no worse than cheers After earth has stopped the ears. (967) Leggett feels that "death in the poem becomes the agent by which the process of change is halted" (54). In the next stanza symbolism is used as the physical world is in Leggett's terms, "The field where glories do not stay" (54). "Fame and beauty are represented by a rose and the laurel, which are both subject to decay," Leggett explains (54). The athlete dying is described here by Housman:

Monday, September 16, 2019

Travel Life

My travel experience During the first time I stepped on the plain I was so exited about it, but when the plane started to fly I cried because I was still 3 years old I was with my dad and my mom I had so much fun traveling then I told my dad can we travel every year he said okay then I became happier and my father kept his promise every year we go traveling in some parts of Asia like Taiwan, hong kong, Singapore, Cambodia, china, Malaysia , Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and others it was so much fun because you get to see places that you never imagined and I felt so good about it.Two years ago we went to Taiwan, with my father and my cousin during the plane ride our ears was hurting so much I really don’t know why so I went to the washroom and checked maybe my ears where dirty but no I asked my daddy he said it was about some engines in the plane that makes you ears hurt.We arrived at Taiwan early in the morning I was so sleepy then we had to hind our hotel(which was so comfor table and such a good place)then after another day we started exploring some beautiful places in like the garden, and Taipei 101 it was so high and it had the most beautiful view in whole Taipei. We only spent 1 week because it was sembreak only in October so I had missed Taiwan ever since. Then last year we went to India my country (that I still really miss so much) for ma little vacation during summer it really felt good to smell the breeze in the place where you (kainda) grow up.Then i felt so good seeing my grand parent's again in such a long time and also some of my relative like my aunt and uncle but the days did no last long the day we are going back to the Philippines I cried so much because I didn’t want to go back I wanted to live there but I cant my family is here so I have to stick with them as well so every day I kept on calling to know how are they and kept on asking me how is my travel life.My traveling life mearns everything to me because I cannot just stay in one play my whole life because you got a whole life to spent and I what to see the world with it because of what every one say life it to short but not for me because you have to embrace your life to be happy to experience every thing that you did no know about the world the cause that is your life you have to live it in the fullest and no just by traveling one single country but all of it for you to see the world before it stopes in a moment.My traveling experience is no just by going to that place but to fell it you have got to see it fell it and do it ti like then for you to have fun at the fullest that never stopes for to have a memories of what you have being doing your whole life and foe you to have al long and good experiencing life with people you what to be with and people you never you that will become you friends so never think traveling is no just going to different countries but to embrace that country like is is yours.

In this chapter the writer uses the setting of the chapter to explain the feeling of all the main characters Essay

In this chapter the writer uses the setting of the chapter to explain the feeling of all the main characters. When we first meet the family they are walking down a road which is all dirty and surrounded by dirt. The nature around them is dying out or rotting. This we can apply to both characters feeling; Micheal feels like his marriage spoiled or ruined his chance of a good life or any fortunes. Whereas Susan feels like she is dying or has died in Micheal’s heart since he is ready to sell her like he would’ve sold a horse in an auction. Hardy uses nature many times in this chapter. At one time when Micheal is auctioning Susan we are told that a sparrow flies in and everyone watches the sparrow till it disappears. This could in fact be showing us Susan’s position. Everyone watches her till she is able to go out of the tent with Newson the sailor. Hardy uses a lot of contrast to show the readers Micheal’s two sides, in this chapter. In the last chapter we saw Micheal in his drunken state which was his dark side. We saw his greed and bad temper. In chapter 2 though we see Micheal when he is sober and when he finds out what he has done. He shows determination in finding his wife and takes responsibility, however even in this chapter we see Micheals bad side when he blames Susan for being simple minded enough to think the auction was binding. Also we see his negative points when he is too proud of himself to tell people why he is searching for his wife. We straight away see that these two sides of Micheals will be a great factor in this book. In this chapter Hardy relives the walk to Weydon-Priors. Only this time the people walking are in a more loving situation. Also there are two women. The women obviously feel love for each other because they are holding each others hands. The fact that they are both wearing black gowns straight away gives us an idea of why these two women have come back this way. Also this is the first time we see Elizabeth- Jane in her grown up state and we see that she is brought up as a very nice girl. Although we see straight away that she is brought up in a rich lifestyle when she tells her mother that the infirmity tent â€Å"isn’t respectable†. At this point e see for the first time that Hardy adds suspence when he decides to bring Susan back to Micheal. The reader wonders why Susan is so determined to meet him. He main question is why ahs Susan never told Elizabeth when she is old enough to know. Casterbridge is described in great detail and because Hardy has a gift for description we can almost see the town come to life. We also find that the town is eager to spread gossip when two women willingly tell Susan about the gossip of the bread and the town. We can see from detailed point that the public will be a very important point in the book. Micheal also reveals his caring point when he tells the towns people that the wheat is not really safe to eat. We also se that Micheal is true to his oath not to drink, when in his meeting he only drinks water. Near the end of the meeting we see the Angry Micheal side when he makes a sharp retort. We see a description of Farfrae and immediately we can tell that he is the total opposite of Henchard. Both in looks and we think in personality. Also through the names of the pubs and inns we can see that maybe Hardy is trying to make a point. When they go to the three mariners then Hardy could be trying to say that they are among the waves of chance. The fact that chance plays a big role in this novel and especially in this chapter. It’s by chance that Farfrae hears about the corn and has the solution or that Elizabeth-Jane notices him and that they all stay at the three mariners. Also the way Michael misses his family by a few minutes on his way to see the man. We can assume that Hardy is proving the powers working against mankind in this chapter. In this chapter we see little irony when Elizabeth-Jane says that they must stay at the fancy inn yet then gets a job as a serving maid which is not too respectable it self. While we can say that Elizabeth-Jane is making sacrifices for her mother, we can still remember that the town’s people have seen Elizabeth serving them and they will remember her face later on. Also in this chapter we pity Michael when we learn that he is lonely and we guess that what he wants is a business partner or a friend. Farfrae is straight away the person that comes to mind. Though again we see a bit of fickleness in Michael’s attitude when he cannot even remember the old mangers name. Farfrae then decides to sing fro the towns people and its by chance that the people are in the mood for his sad songs and Elizabeth-Jane who has been eyeing him, has her heart set on him. When the townspeople talk to Farfrae we know straight away that he has the ability to charm people and when he sings he is charmed them further. We can assume that the reason that the townspeople like the sad songs is because they feel like the story of the song represents them in a way, with their lost ideals. We can even see a bit of this in Micheal himself. Also Elizabeth-Jane misinterprets the songs that Farfrae sings and when her mother says he Elizabeth assumes it’s about Farfrae. These misunderstandings prove to be a problem later on. In the next chapter wee that both Susan and Micheal have to turn towards the younger generation to save themselves. Susan saves her marriage by sending Elizabeth-Jane with the note to Micheal and Micheal saves his business by begging Farfrae to say on as manager. When Elizabeth-Jane takes the walk through the town it creates a time of suspense because it is stalling the meeting between Micheal and Susan and it cuts the conversation between Micheal and Farfrae. Mostly though it shows us just how much power Micheal ahs in his town socially and business wise. Again we see a contrast between Michael’s sides when at first he acts kindly towards Elizabeth-Jane, when he learns who she is. Also when he sends back Susan five guineas we feel that he is almost trying to buy her back since five guineas are how much was paid for her before. Yet we see his cold side again when he coldly turns down Joshua Jopp about his interview and he has created a new enemy at the same time. Later also Micheal explodes on Elizabeth-Jane and cannot even calm himself down. Also in this chapter we see a proud side of Michael when he asks to see Susan in a secret place and will not see her in public incase they might be seen and found out. Slowly we will see this part of his attitude be a big part of his downfall. In the next chapter when Micheal has asked to see Susan in the ring and we get the description of the place it automatically sets a place for something negative to take place. Almost a place where nothing positive can happen. Hardy backs this himself by saying,’ the boys cannot make this a good cricket field’. This ring is maybe meant to show Hardy’s life in a way that Hardy is known for his architecture and his liking to the Greek mythology in a way. The Roundness representing the coliseum and the positiveness being kept away by ghosts of the past like the killed gladiator or the woman who was strangled. This is like a metaphor in a way to their relationship. Micheal will fall in battle and his control is so tight on Susan it might almost be strangling her. The next chapter gives us an idea of our speculation is chapter 3 about another woman in Micheals life. We learn that this woman is infact living in Jersey. We already know that when a person is included in Hardy’s plots he is never easily forgotten so when we hear about this woman we straight away know she will affect the plot. Again this chapter reveals a lot when Micheal reveals to his ‘best friend’ that he is very lonely and would like a friend. We guess straight away that he ahs also made a mistake when he reveals his whole past to someone he has only known for a day. He tells Farfrae everything and doesn’t think of any consequences that could later occur. We see Farfrae first ability in this chapter after he handles his position very well with his new boss. Even though he has plans to eat alone he decides to dine with Micheal and when he is asked about help on how to handle his problem with the lady in Jersey he gives an answer that could start the first sign of discord between the two people. He tells Micheal that he should firstly tell Elizabeth-Jane the truth about her mother and father and he disagrees and gets rather angry. Yet he forgets that it was him who in the first place told him about all his past secrets. In this chapter we finally see Micheal openly court Susan and then propose to her. Even though this should be good new the whole chapter caries ill will which is mostly carried by the townspeople. We can maybe use the nature’s reaction to show out the feelings of Micheal and Susan. When the two enter the church to get married it is raining quite badly and it is very dark almost showing how the two really feel about each other. Hardy uses these nature effects to show the reader how the two feel about each either. By hiding the meaning of the nature effects it almost showing that the two have hidden their feelings about each other. The townspeople also add most of the uneasiness. They don’t actually know the secret about the wedding but they have an idea that something is not right. They immediately feel that Susan is not at the same class as Micheal which is ironic because Michael is the one with the worst background out of the two. In this chapter we know for sure that something about Elizabeth-Jane is being hidden because not only does Micheal keep going on about her hair colour but he starts asking her to change her second name. Also we find out that Micheal maybe getting rather annoyed with Farfrae when he gets angry at little things that Farfrae says. At one time he even dismisses Farfraes opinion by saying â€Å"don’t take too much thought about things.† Also since Elizabeth-Jane has started growing in her new place she starts to bloom a certain beauty. Yet she still remembers her old lifes

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Health Records

When going to the doctor’s office, there was a time when patients had to check out their medical records before seeing their doctor or dentist. They would also have to return the medical records before leaving the clinics or hospital. Now patients are able to skip those steps because of electronic medical records. But what exactly are manual medical records and electronic records? According to Merriam-Webster, medical records are a record of a patient's medical information (as medical history, care or treatments received, test results, diagnoses, and medications taken).Electronic medical records are digital medical records that either originates from an electronic format or is converted from paper or hard copy to an online version. This paper will give the reader insight on the pros and cons of both manual and electronic medical records, and will allow the reader to form an opinion on which is the better method of filing records. Medical records are used to maintain all of a p atient’s medical files. These files and documents include, but are not limited to vitals, medication history, prior injuries, treatments, and appointments.The medical records come in two forms: electronic and paper (manual). Both are essential to keeping track of patients’ medical history. This is important for doctors to be able to continue appropriate treatment, and especially necessary for patients that have a team of physicians and therapists. Without medical records it would nearly impossible to give the proper care to a patient because there would be a lack of knowledge of past medical care and treatment. The question that usually arises about medical records is â€Å"which are better, electronic or manual records?†This is a very good question, but both methods are very beneficial. There are pros and cons to both of the methods. When comparing the two I like to evaluate them based on storage, legibility, access, and security. These four points can help you determine which method is more reliable or efficient. â€Å"Storage of medical records is an area in which electronic medical records seem to have the edge. Hospitals and medical providers often have warehouses literally filled with paper records. Besides taking up space, paper records are not eco-friendly.Electronic records can be stored on computer drives that require much less space and fewer resources to produce. Paper records also naturally deteriorate over time in storage, regardless of how well their environment is controlled, and they tend to decay upon excessive handling. Computer records can in theory be stored and accessed forever, without the deterioration of record quality. While doctors may have a reputation for poor penmanship, few people in any profession can write as clearly as a computer word processor can.Paper medical records can be difficult to decipher, particularly for those unfamiliar with medical terminology. One of the clear benefits of electronic records is that typeface is more or less standardized and clear across all records. This clarity saves time for the reader, and time can be critical in medical treatment. However, doctors or their assistants who are unfamiliar with the best practices of word processing technology may find it time-consuming to enter records electronically†According to John Csiszar, one of the main benefits of electronic medical records is that they can be shared with other professionals almost instantaneously via electronic transmission or direct access to a storage system. For paper records to reach other interested parties, they must either be mailed or converted to electronic format, such as via scanning and emailing, before they can be accessed.Both paper and electronic record storage systems have some security vulnerabilities. Electronic records are susceptible to hackers and other unauthorized individuals who can gain access by breaking down the electronic defenses of a storage system. Electroni c records can also be rendered inaccessible due to system crashes or other electronic malfunctions. Paper records are generally safe unless someone physically breaks into a storage unit.Both types of records can be susceptible to natural disasters such as fires and floods; however, a facility will typically have only one copy of a paper record, versus at least one backup copy of an electronic record. Both electronic records and manual records are beneficial. I personally think that they should be filed in conjunction with one another. I think that we should do them electronically, but print copies for paper records as a backup system. Computer systems are not always reliable, so the paper records would be beneficial during those times.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Empowerment: Transforming Power and Powerlessness

The precise definition of transformational politics is a never ending issue in the governmental realm.   Consequently, Edward W. Schwerin stresses the idea in a connotation with deliberative state that such is a social and scholarly movement wherein such adherents are sharing an interest towards building a political community basically coherent to norms and other significant details in the concept of empowerment. Conceivably, these factors that build up the connotation are also based on standards such as cooperation, grassroots democracy, equality, environmental awareness and other demonstrative dynamics which possess the ability to the implications and the answers to how these dynamics are able to gain what tends to be the root on how â€Å"politics† and the people shall actually change or live with political decisions. Obviously, Shwerin’s definition and characterization of empowerment is derived from the philosophical works of Plato as well as with the idea that empowerment is in point of fact dependent on how the individual believes how one can be empowered or be disempowered for that instance. To quote his line with regard to the definition of â€Å"empowerment†Ã¢â‚¬â€the process of gaining mastery over one’s self and one’s environment in order to fulfill human needs (p.81)—perhaps his ideological definition may be correct in the factual basis, but if collaborated with the contemporary scenario, empowerment is not only conquered through an individual’s conception on such idea, but it must also be given by the environment upon which that person who wants to achieve such will be vested in the most holistic sense possible. Further, it would also be taken to assumption that Schwerin’s basis for stressing his views on â€Å"empowerment† are too vague and broad that upon arguing on the aforementioned perspective as a composition of the following: â€Å"self-worth, self-effectiveness, piece of knowledge and of abilities, awareness on the political aspect, and participation on socially and politically inclined events—it may be taken to assumption that he is nevertheless referring on the ideological perspective alone on transformational politics and not barely lingering on the schemes of contemporary deliberation and analysis on empowerment. However, his views on mediation experiences (p.93)—as empowering factors on individuals who participate on the ‘activities’—may be acceptable in further delight.   Specifically, his prediction that mediation trainees shall have personal empowerment is a great ordeal on understanding empowerment and the objective of empowering those who are powerless, per se. On the aspect of â€Å"grouping† and on the mediation strategy towards building a highly empowered group, his research has led him good value worth the critical analysis.   As far as political threshold is concerned, it is indeed realistic to say that mediators possess the higher chance to achieve â€Å"empowerment† rather than those who do not get exposed on the organizational activity—those who are experienced shall have the highest empowerment scores—more experience, greater the chance.   In the classroom basis, a â€Å"group of leaders† will have the highest score of getting â€Å"empowered† than only those who are considered as â€Å"group of mediators†Ã¢â‚¬â€intensive training is effective at teaching recruits (Schwerin, 1995).   Precisely true enough to prove his worth on his research. Levels of personal empowerment may be brought upon by training and the acquisition of knowledge, so to speak.   But the â€Å"real† empowerment comes from experience—dispute resolution, bringing up conflicts to a formal legal system—all these are piously given ample importance in trying to distinguish the definition of â€Å"empowerment.†Ã‚   Hence on personal opinion, empowerment may come from â€Å"own† beliefs but making other people believe that one is capable of such â€Å"high regard† is the best empowering method to be taken into account. Reference Schwerin, E. W. (1995). Mediation, Citizen Empowerment, and Transformational Politics. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers.      

Friday, September 13, 2019

Editing of a Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Editing of a Film - Essay Example All the terminologies mentioned above are meant to make the film a big success and that depends upon the way the terminologies are used. Accuracy plays the vital role with the editors who work on these terminologies to edit the movie.For instance, when considering the terminology Crosscut, it actually does the intercutting of shots from two or more scenes. Then the fragments of each scene will be presented to the viewer’s attention alternately. This is in fact meant for parallel action. This option is very much useful to the editors to play between the scenes and edit them in whatever way they wish.At the same time when we consider the terminology called rough cut the editor assembles the film from some selected takes only leaving some specific points alone roughly and arrives at the fair one at the later stage. So in this process, the editors try to bring the original script somehow to a minimal percentage and apply all the other editing terminologies to complete the expected movie according to the original script. After this rough cut concept, the editors may apply the other terminologies like cut, cross cut, dissolve etc. This may be customized according to the editors and each one possesses their own way of working, but at last the ultimate goal is to present the film to the viewers in a proper manner. All the terminologies might not be used for a film, but the required ones alone to present it successfully before the public.Initially, editing was done using a single system that helped the editor to cut the scenes that were not required.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A global organizational theory for the 21st century Assignment

A global organizational theory for the 21st century - Assignment Example Organizational theory, in the present era has become imperative for effective functioning of the organization in global environment. Organizational theory provides modern treatment to the managers to perform better task in the organization for attaining specific objectives of the organization and deliver goods or services to consumers in such a way that there is maximization of profit at the end of the transaction.This paper tries to cover the brief description of global organizational theory in the 21st century embracing all the modern management theories. The rest of the project includes all the recent issues related to ethics, politics, cross cultural communication and parochialism and ethnocentricism. Lastly it emphasizes on the results of implementing new things in the organization for global relations and terconnectedness.Organizational Behavior can be defined as the study of what people think, feel and do in and around the organizations. It is the activities of the people who are working together in an organization to reach common goals or objectives. Organization consists of people with attitudes, cultures, beliefs, norms and principles. The Organizational Behavior facilitates the procedure of explaining, understanding, predicting, and maintaining and altering employees’ behavior in organizational surroundings.Leadership in the 21st century brings changes in conceptualize thinking, personal practice, organizational application. Leadership qualities develop in the individuals who have the capacity to influence, motivate and inspire others. 21st century leadership is holistic in nature and is related to mind, heart, spirit and energy of the individuals. Leadership development shifts from the individual to the group of people. In the present scenario, leaders always try to keep them update and overcome the weakness by understanding them (Sandmann & Vandenberg, 1995). Global Organizational Theory An organization is a designed social structure where g roups of individuals work collectively to meet certain common objectives. Organizational theories are the backbone of the field of organizational studies. This has the purpose for analyzing the resources of the organization particularly human resources for understanding the structures, the functions and the properties for increasing the productivity and gratification. It is the study of organizations to solve problems, meet the needs of stakeholders and maximize the efficiency and output.   Classical theory put forward that there is a single way to generate and run an organization. But current theory set diverse approach of the organization based on its size, technical requirements, situation, environment and nature of industry. Since the organizational theories are interdisciplinary in their approach, diverse fields such as sociology, anthropology, economics, psychology and political science are described in this theory. Organizational studies apply facts and modeling with other social science for proper functioning of the organization (ISCID, 2005). Management Theory The modern management theory was evolved in the nineteenth century and in the twentieth century revolution, the management theory changed from traditional theory to the Japanese management approach. Through these theories managers of the organizat